‘Who will care for me now?’

Written by on April 22, 2024

… Woman who loses son and two grandchildren in one accident faces bleak future

The mother of the late chairman of FNB Reho Falcon Rugby Club, Ettienne Coetzee, says she is unsure of what the future holds for her.

Etienne and his sons, Edmando and Ethan, died in a car crash outside Rehoboth on 13 April.

Cecilia Coetzee (68) says since her sons started working, she can’t remember paying for her basic needs, nor her water and electricity bills, as her son would do this.

“When Ettienne started working, I remember on my birthday he bought me a frying pan and steam pot. On Christmas, Ettienne would always call and ask what size clothes and shoes his father and I wore.

“In 2015, a relative passed away and Ettienne offered to buy me clothes. I went to the shop, and when I got there all the clothes were beautiful and of great quality.

“I took a few pairs. The total amount was N$10 000, but Ettienne still paid. These are unique pieces I still have until today,” she says.

Cecilia says all her children are helpful and are always there for her.

She urges parents to have good relationships with their children.

“When Edmando started getting a salary he would pay my water bill every month. Whenever I called Edmando asking about the water bill, he would always say he already paid it.

“Now that he is no longer here, who will pay my water bill? My son Werner also bought me a coffee set, glass table and four chairs with his first salary,” Cecilia says.

She describes Etienne as a giving person.

“Ettienne would always urge people to take well care of their parents while still alive. It was really an honour to be part of Ettienne’s life as his mother. He is the best.

“He was one in a million. He had the best kids also. Ettienne and his wife would give me food from breakfast to dinner – the last plate they gave me food in is still at my house.

“I don’t know if other mothers are so privileged as me to be so spoiled.

“I will dearly miss them. My heart is broken into many pieces. At this moment, I don’t know if my heart will ever heal. For now it feels like they are just somewhere and will come back.

“It does not feel like they have passed away. I am waiting for them. I also know it was all God’s plan. God needed them much more,” she says.

Etienne’s brother Werner says Etienne was a huge believer in the importance of education and would motivate others to take it seriously.

He says Etienne supported all his brothers financially, emotionally, mentally and physically on their educational journey.

“Etienne was there for me during my studies. He would support you until the end. He would never be there for you halfway. He would encourage people to always fight for their dreams and to stand up and try again after a fail.

“Both Etienne’s sons also studied. He always said “take care of yourself and always give your best.” He said if you give your best, God will give you the rest,” he says.

Werner says Etienne was a people’s person.

“Ettienne was there for everyone. He was an extrovert. He never held grudges and would easily forgive. My brother was really one in a million. He will always be missed,” he says.

The post ‘Who will care for me now?’ appeared first on The Namibian.

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