The Sport Chat
THE SPORTS CHAT Get in the game… Covering all the latest news, scores, and expert opinions… The Sports Chat… weekdays… 6 to 7-PM… on Desert FM 95.3… (done) THE SPORTS CHAT The latest scores, news reviews, and game previews…The Sports Chat in Desert 95.3-FM… weekdays… 6 to 7-PM… on Desert FM 95.3… (done) Charlton de […]

The Rush Hour
THE RUSH HOUR REWIND The perfect balance of news, current affairs, and the biggest variety of hits… The Desert 95.3-FM Drive… Weekdays… 3 to 6-PM…. (done) THE RUSH HOUR REWIND Fast-paced and on the pulse… Keeping you informed, in the know, and entertained after a long day at work… The Rush Hour Rewind… weekdays… 3 […]

The Mid-Day Report
THE MID-DAY REPORT Updating you on the latest current affairs and news from around the country, the continent, and the globe! The Mid-Day Report… Monday to Friday… 12PM to 3PM on Desert FM 95.3 (done) THE MID-DAY REPORT Drowned in meetings and emails? Time to take a quick break, enjoy a good song, and catch […]

Daybreak on Desert FM
DAYBREAK ON DESERT FM… Going beyond the headlines, speaking to the experts, the news-makers, and the movers and shakers… Daybreak on Desert 95.3-FM…Mondays to Fridays… 6 to 9AM…. (done) DAYBREAK ON DESERT FM… The perfect way to “sunrise” (sunrise in red)… Daybreak on Desert 95.3-FM… Mondays to Fridays… 6 to 9AM…. (done) Charlton de Waal