‘They did not deserve such a cruel death’

Written by on June 11, 2024

Kwilimba Street at Walvis Bay, where a woman and her daughter burnt to death last Wednesday, was sombre when visited by The Namibian this week.

The Erongo police reported that Lineekela Ndeunyema (38) and Linea Kombada (16) were sleeping when their shack caught fire at about 06h18.

Lineekela’s younger sister, Rachel Ndeunyema, this week recalled what happened as she tried to rescue her sister and niece.

“I heard a lot of noise and thought it was coming from children who were walking to school. When I got out of my shack, I could see something burning in my sister’s shack.

“I called her three times and tried to break the door, but did not succeed.

“I told her to wake up, because there was fire in her house. She only responded the third time, but from there, I did not hear anything else,” she said.

The neighbours also attempted to break the door, she said, but did not manage either.

Ndeunyema said her sister and niece were good people who did not deserve such a cruel death.

“I am really hurt. My sister was a friendly person. She was a hairdresser, and she did my hair that day. She uploaded two pictures of me on her status with the words: ‘Goodnight, love’. That really means a lot to me.

GONE TO SOON .. Lineekela Ndeunyema (38) and her daughter Linea Kombada (16) were sleeping when their shack caught fire at about 06h18 last week.

“My niece was also a very cheerful girl. I heard her screaming there was a fire in the room. Those were the last words I heard from her.

“I remember her begging me the previous night to have dinner with them, but it was really cold and I needed to go to bed,” she said.

Kombada’s friends, Vistorina Neshuku, Ruusa Ashipala, Olivia Nama and Uno Katjimune shared their grief with The Namibian.

“It was early morning and I was asleep. My mom woke me up and told me about the fire. I was shocked because I saw it was Linea’s house that was on fire.

“I did not know she was inside and that she had died. I could not believe it, because we were still together the previous day.

We hugged as usual as she went home. It is terrible. It is scary to even sleep, because I keep thinking about her,” Nama said.
Neshuku said her mom heard screams and thought someone was being robbed.

“She found out it was Linea’s house that was burning. I was so concerned and wondering if Linea and her mother were already outside.

“I thought I saw Linea in the crowd, but it was someone else. I was crying when I heard they were still inside. I did not know what to do.

“It will be hard to live without her. She was a good and cheerful girl who never wanted anything bad for anyone,” she said.
Ashipala said she is still in disbelief about what happened.

“I could not believe what people told me. I live a bit further away. When I got here, I just found ashes. I was so confused, because we were together the previous day. It is still unbelievable,” she said.

Community members held a memorial service for Ndeumyema and Kombada at Independence Beach on Sunday evening.

The post ‘They did not deserve such a cruel death’ appeared first on The Namibian.

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