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How will the observer mission assess these polls?

November 29, 2024


The SADC Election Observation Mission led by its Head of Mission Anne Semamba Makinda is expected to announce its report on the just concluded elections here in Namibia.

The SEOM has been lauded for taking a strict stance in Zimbabwe under the leadership of former Zambian vice president, Dr. Nevers Mumba following a disputed election there.

But can the SADC observation mission that was critical in Zimbabwe retain the same hardline stance in Namibia’s election?

The just concluded polls have left a bitter taste in the mouth of the opposition which yesterday united to declare them null and void.

Reports of inadequate ballots have been met by much unhappiness on and off social media.  How will the observer mission assess these polls?

To unpack that we were joined by public policy analyst Ndumba Kamwanyah


Daybreak on Desert FM

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