Parliament to hear motion on Cuban sanctions

Written by on April 18, 2024

Swapo parliamentarian Leevi Katoma submitted a motion in the National Assembly on Tuesday, demanding the immediate removal of Cuba from the list of states sponsoring terrorism and the prompt repeal of economic sanctions against Cuba.

In his motion, Katoma said the parliament should acknowledge the prolonged suffering endured by the Cuban people due to the severe economic sanctions imposed by the United States (US).

Katoma wants the parliament to be aware of the continued ‘illegal occupation’ of Cuban territory in Guantanamo by the US.

“I demand the immediate removal of Cuba from the list of states sponsoring terrorism and the prompt repeal of economic sanctions against the Cuban people. Furthermore, I demand for the immediate and unconditional closure of the United States of America’s base at Guantanamo Bay in the Republic of Cuba,” Katoma said.

He asked the parliament to reaffirm its unwavering support for the Cuban revolution, which granted the Cuban people sovereignty, dignity, education, healthcare, and other significant advancements.

“We must recognise the enduring historical connections, robust friendship, and flourishing bilateral relations between Namibia and Cuba, while also recalling the selfless sacrifices and substantial contributions made by Cuban compatriots during our prolonged struggle for national independence from colonialism and apartheid,” Katoma said.

Meanwhile, Patience Masua also submitted a motion demanding the immediate cessation of all hostilities and the withdrawal of Moroccan military forces from the occupied territories of Western Sahara.

She requested the parliament to strongly assert and reaffirm its support for the urgent decolonisation of Western Sahara and the right to self-determination of the Sahrawi people.

Masua made the parliament aware of the continued occupation and blatant violation of international law and numerous United Nations resolutions.

“I call upon this house to condemn in the strongest terms the persistent violations of human rights and suppression of the Sahrawi people’s right to self-determination by the Moroccan authorities,” she said.

“We need to acknowledge the shared challenges faced by a pre-colonial Namibia and the Saharawi people of Western Sahara under the bondage of colonial oppression, and recall the enduring struggle for self-determination waged by both nations against colonial rule and foreign domination,” she said.

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