Omaruru nurse equips police officers with first aid skills

Written by on April 24, 2024

Nine police and traffic officers at Omaruru recently underwent first aid training conducted by nurse and emergency care practitioner Scholastika Tjijenda.

Recognising the critical role of law enforcement in responding to accidents, Tjijenda initiated the training to equip officers with life-saving skills, particularly in situations where immediate medical attention is required.

“The police are the first responders to the scene, therefore, to save lives they need at least basic first knowledge aid training,” she says.

This includes Class A injuries like burns, fractures, chest and abdominal injuries, bites and stings and to assist with childbirth.

“It is important for them to have this training because it will save the lives of casualties and reduce the extensiveness of injuries, says Tjijenda, who has been a nurse for 11 years.

She adds that the main purpose of those trained in first aid is to preserve life, prevent conditions from worsening and promote recovery.

Since the training, Tjijenda says she has received positive feedback from the police and those who benefited from the training, including Namibian youth.

“We have some participants that went for further studies with our certificate like nursing, emergency care practitioner (paramedic) and occupational health and safety. And they are really doing well in their field,” she says.

Tjijenda adds that she hopes the Ministry of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety and Security and other ministries recognise the importance of first aid training and opt to equip employees with training countrywide.

Training can also include businesses like supermarkets, banks and shopping centres, where emergencies may occur and where medical responders are not nearby, she says.

Omaruru police station commander senior inspector Erik Mumbala says it was a great initiative which was beneficial to the officers.

Detective warrant officer Ndeshifilwa Teofelus says it was the first time she was trained in first aid.

“I believe it’s crucial for my work in assisting at a scene and in my personal life, where I can also attend to my family,” she says.

Omaruru constituency councillor Erenest Wetha commends Tjijenda for the initiative.

Wetha says a similar training will be held under his office in June, which will see 15 youth and five police officers benefiting.

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