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Farewell to ‘exceptional Iindji’

Written by on May 6, 2024

As we bid our friend, brother and husband farewell, I wish to honour a man of exceptional character and wisdom – my dear friend and colleague Tomas Koneka Iindji.

Iindji was not only a seasoned and talented banker, but also a cornerstone of our communities, a beacon of hope and a reservoir of wisdom.

The Scriptures in 1 Corinthians 15:51-58 tell us: “We will not all die, but we will all be transformed. It will happen in the moment.”

These words resonate deeply as we remember Iindji.

He has not left us; he simply awaits the sound of the last trumpet.

The banking fraternity shares countless memories of Iindji, or as I fondly called him, ‘Mr Ibu’ (and he called me ‘meme Ibu’).

He was a confidant, a brother whose dedication transcended the confines of our office walls. With unwavering professionalism, we understood the needs of our clients, while safeguarding the bank’s interests.

At times, colleagues questioned Iindji’s involvement in certain transactions, yet he was teaching us the dynamics of the economy.

To meme Iyaloo and family, allow me to highlight key distinctions about Iindji from my personal perspective:

The people’s advocate: Iindji had a genuine heart for the people. As an area manager tasked with doubling the customer base, his commitment was unwavering. I recall the passion with which he defended every credit application, going above and beyond to ensure no detail was overlooked.

His frustration when a proposal was declined stemmed not from personal pride or gain, but from a deep desire to serve his clients and the economy at large.

His commitment was so profound that he often flew to our headquarters to ensure his customers’ voices were heard.

Aspiring leader: Iindji’s ambition was infectious. He once asked me how he could join the executive committee. That conversation revealed his foresight and willingness to grow, culminating in his journey to obtaining a master’s degree at the Regent Business School of Management in Durban –a testament to his relentless pursuit of excellence.

Family man: The joy in Iindji’s eyes when he spoke of his wife and children was unmistakable.

He often shared their principles: “A couple that prays together, stays together.”

This was not just a motto but a lived truth, reflecting his belief in nurturing relationships through faith. His vision was to inspire others, especially younger couples, to demonstrate the strength of a union rooted in spiritual communion till death do them part.

Iindji’s influence extended beyond professional boundaries.

He touched lives at a personal level, including those of my own family.

My mother still cherishes a handbag and a wig from Iindji, a reminder of his thoughtfulness.

As we reflect on Iindji’s life, let us ask ourselves: What legacy are we leaving behind? How can we embody the virtues Iindji lived by?

Though we say he departed too soon, let us remember Iindji is not gone, he is merely resting until we meet again at the resurrection.

To his beloved wife, family and all who cherished him, I echo the comforting words of scripture: He is not dead; he is sleeping until the last trumpet is blown.

Thank you, Tomas Koneka Iindji, for everything.

We will carry forward the torch of your legacy with honour and pride.

Op die wolke van die hemel, sal ons Jesus weer ontmoet.

The post Farewell to ‘exceptional Iindji’ appeared first on The Namibian.

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