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A group of migrants were transferred to Rwanda from a remote UK territory by the British government over a year ago. They say they feel isolated and unsafe – with one describing the African country as an “open prison”. With political parties divided over the government’s controversial plan to send asylum seekers from the UK […]

Prime minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila has opened a case of fraud and theft after she was scammed out of N$159 000 by a suspect pretending to be a bank official, the police confirmed. The case, which is registered as CR number 118/6/2024, is currently with the police although no one has been arrested while no recovery […]

…the plight of Ohangwena’s teen mothers *Dolly Joseph (16) is one of many pregnant teenagers housed at the Ewaranda shelter for expecting mothers at Eenhana. She has been at the shelter for three weeks while awaiting her due date some time this week. The shelter accommodates expecting mothers of all ages who need to be […]

… as Shaningwa beckons Former Landless People’s Movement (LPM) deputy president Henny Seibeb remains tight-lipped on his next political home, despite Swapo saying the party would welcome him if he wants to rejoin. He says he will “extensively” engage with key political actors, business leaders and activists in the coming days to make a political […]

… one executive overpaid by N$720 000 annually The government has frozen executive salaries at the Namibian Agronomic Board (NAB) after the auditor general’s findings that a senior manager at the parastatal was overpaid by almost N$700 000 annually. Auditor general Junias Kandjeke’s 2021/2022 report into the NAB, a state-owned entity responsible for regulating agricultural […]

… 720 households to be electrified in Windhoek at a cost of N$11,4 million Analysts say the City of Windhoek’s plan to electrify 720 households at a cost of N$11,4 million, which is expected to be completed by the end of August, is aimed at scoring political votes. While addressing the council meeting, Windhoek mayor […]

The High Court has ordered activist Michael Amushelelo to stop making defamatory statements about Namibian Police inspector general Joseph Shikongo. In terms of an order given by acting judge Collins Parker in the Windhoek High Court on Wednesday, Amushelelo is restrained from making any further publications or utterances, both oral and in writing, about Shikongo […]

The National Assembly failed to meet a quorum on Thursday amid election season. Speaker Peter Katjavivi suspended the day’s session, since fewer than 37 members showed up to reach a quorum. Over the last three days, more and more members of parliament have been absent as political party leaders are campaigning countrywide. The National Assembly […]

Minister of justice Yvonne Dausab is expected to table a proposed new law on divorce in parliament on Thursday. Dausab says the current divorce law is still regulated by outdated legislation, which provides that divorces are only granted on the grounds of adultery, malicious desertion, mental illness or habitual criminal behaviour. The new act would […]

The Canadian oil and gas company ReconAfrica is under fire for failing to abide by Namibian and international human rights laws. The company has drawn controversy from local communities and watchdog groups for cutting corners and failing to fully assess the environmental effects of its oil drilling operations since 2020. ReconAfrica has proceeded to drill […]