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Page: 114

Tens of thousands of Israelis rallied late into the night calling for a deal to bring hostages home, ahead of further ceasefire talks. Protesters in Tel Aviv chanted “war is not holy, life is”, with some accusing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of aiming to prolong the conflict in Gaza. It came as a Hamas delegation […]

Sylvia Dhliwayo, an expert at scaling the hurdles of Zimbabwe’s crisis-ridden economy and negotiating the many currencies at play, is upset. She works hard every day to send her four children to school. Waking up at 04:00 most mornings, she heads to the main market in Mbare in the capital, Harare, to buy maize, peanuts, […]

Lying on her back on the ground, Christof Fredricks (30) was naked when she was discovered, her body covered with 32 stab wounds, her mutilated genitals placed on her chest, and her shoes, shorts and underwear scattered nearby. Fredricks’ death brings the total number of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex and other (LGBTQI+) community […]

The Chamber of Mines of Namibia (CoM) has raised concern over a government proposal to obtain free shares in mining companies. The idea is known in the extractive sector as ‘mandatory free-carry shareholding’. The chamber’s chief executive, Veston Malango, says the proposal would undermine the economic viability of existing mines and future projects if not […]

The Editors Forum of Namibia (EFN) says the African Energy Chamber’s (AEC) recent attack against The Namibian amplifies concerns raised by the media and civil society about how oil and gas discoveries in Namibia might impact politics, free media and the country’s social structures. The AEC issued a statement on Monday criticising The Namibian for […]

The Namibia Media Trust (NMT) has called for the protection of environmental journalists who courageously expose environmental injustices and hold the powerful accountable. In a statement released yesterday, ahead of the 31st World Press Freedom Day, NMT director Zoe Titus said the work of journalists is more crucial than ever, ensuring those in power are […]

Westair Aviation has announced the names of the three people who died in an accident involving one of the company’s aircraft in Windhoek on Friday. The company announced in a statement on Saturday that pilots Rozanne De Beer-Olivier (33) and Ruan van Schalkwyk (24) and aircraft engineer Andre-Armand Lubbe (25) lost their lives in the […]

After growing up watching the benefits of Iraqi oil elude the Iraqi people, a young executive insisted that Norway do things differently. Oil-exporting countries generally have high rates of poverty, internal conflict, and corruption – a kind of chronic dysfunction known as the resource curse. Not Norway. Europe’s largest oil exporter and the world’s second-largest […]

Erongo police have confiscated drugs with a street value of N$718 860 in a series of raids at Swakopmund and Walvis Bay. Three men have been apprehended in connection with these seizures. They face charges related to drug dealing and possession. The most extensive operation took place at Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay, on Thursday, where police, […]

President Nangolo Mbumba joined Namibians in remembering Cassinga Day on Saturday. He said the massacre will forever stand out in Namibian history as a stark reminder of the brutality inflicted on Namibians by apartheid South Africa during the country’s long and protracted struggle for independence. Cassinga Day is commemorated annually on 4 May. Saturday marks […]