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Namibia Investment Promotion and Development Board (NIPDB) chief executive Nangula Uaandja says the decision by the government to impose a visa regime on about 31 countries from the traditional tourist markets of Europe is ill-timed. She told The Namibian yesterday that a new visa regime mooted by the government on countries that are not reciprocating […]

Fisheries and marine resources minister Derek Klazen says the Employment Redress Programme Government (Gerp) has encountered several challenges, with some being genuine, while others appear to be influenced by political opportunism, personal gratification and other interests. He issued a statement while at a meeting with fishermen from the Iyaloo Women Investment Group and Walu Fishing […]

One of the men charged in the Fishrot case, Tamson ‘Fitty’ Hatuikulipi, has another three months in jail ahead of him before his latest bail hearing will continue in the Windhoek High Court. Hatuikulipi’s bail hearing was postponed to 20 August on Friday, after Hatuikulipi completed his evidence in chief in support of his second […]

Former justice minister and attorney general Sakeus Shanghala on Friday said a cage-like enclosure of the dock in the High Court at Windhoek Correctional Facility violates his and other accused persons’ dignity when they appear in court. Shanghala made the remark while telling acting judge Moses Chinhengo that he objected to the presence of a […]

This week in Oshana has seen a mix of criminal activity, with reports of livestock theft, a hit-and-run accident and a drug bust, a crime report by Oshana police spokesperson chief inspector Thomas Aiyambo says. According to Aiyambo, a resident of Uukwedhidhi village in the Okatana constituency reported the theft of two goats between Thursday […]

The Conservative Party has said it would bring back mandatory national service if it wins the general election. It said 18-year-olds would have a choice of either joining the military full-time for 12 months, or volunteering one weekend every month carrying out a community service. The party is proposing a Royal Commission to consider the […]

It had all the promise of an only-in-America blockbuster trial, brimming with salacious detail and a former president in the dock. In fact, it’s hard to imagine a bigger courtroom drama, tailor-made for the media, than one that stars Donald Trump, once the world’s most powerful figure and someone vying to be so again, forced […]

Authorities in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul have confirmed 54 cases of the waterborne leptospirosis disease after the region experienced unprecedented floods in the months of April and May. Four others have died after contracting the illness, which is transmitted through water contaminated with infected animals’ urine, like rats. As many as […]

At least 11 people have been killed and many others wounded after Russian forces hit a supermarket in the northern Ukrainian city of Kharkiv with two glide bombs, local officials say. A large fire could be seen raging at the Epicentr K home improvement store on the northern outskirts of the city. Ukrainian President Volodymyr […]

The Cessna 406 aircraft, which crashed and claimed three lives in Windhoek’s Pionierspark earlier this month, seemed to have a malfunctioning left-hand side engine. The Cessna 406 aircraft before it crashed in Windhoek earlier this month. Photo: Olga Ernst & Hp.Baumeler The plane’s right-hand side engine was replaced just before the accident, which took place […]