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Popular Democratic Movement (PDM) secretary general Manuel Ngaringombe has said the party’s elective congress will go ahead as planned, despite rumours that it will be postponed. Ngaringombe confirmed on Tuesday that the congress will be held at Katima Mulilo from 9 to 11 August 2024, after rumours started circulating within the party that there are […]
Byron Joseph Information and communication technology minister Emma Theofelus has blocked the appointment of veteran film-makers Vickson Hangula and Marinda Stein as nominees to serve on the new board of the Namibia Film Commission (NFC). The two were elected by members of the Filmmakers Association of Namibia (FAN) to serve alongside three members from the […]
A report by the Acute Food Insecurity analysis has projected that a total of 85 000 of Namibians are expected to be in phase 4 of emergency level in terms of hunger. Phase four out of 5, means that people are facing extreme food shortages, acute malnutrition and disease levels are excessively high and the […]
Rubbish has been Natalia Gabriel’s and her mother’s bread and butter since 2004. Gabriel (42) says she and her mother (63) head to the Othingo village dumpsite every day. The site belongs to the Oshakati Town Council and is situated about 3km from their shack at Uupindi. The pair says they collect food and other […]
Communication professionals have a big role to play in shaping Namibian identity and sharing distinctive Namibian stories with the world. This was said by minister of information and communication technology Emma Theofelus at the launch of the Namibia Professional Communicators Forum (NPCF) in Windhoek on Monday. “This is especially vital in an environment where there […]
…Okorukambe district coordinator claims victimisation from Shaningwa Swapo Okorukambe district coordinator Frans Murangi says the party is dying silently because members are afraid of discussing leadership issues. Murangi, who is also a member of Swapo’s think tank, was speaking to The Namibian last month. He said unless Swapo addresses the wrongdoings of its leadership, it […]
The Independent Patriots for Change (IPC) says Katima Mulilo mayor John Ntemwa’s dismissal of a vote of no confidence motion against him without tabling it for discussion is illegal. The motion against Ntemwa by National Democratic Party councillor Simasiku Mukendwa is based on his alleged incompetence as a leader and was supposed to be tabled […]
Swapo central committee member Peya Mushelenga says towns governed by opposition parties are facing significant development delays. Mushelenga made these remarks at a mini rally at Ondangwa on Sunday. “There are some people in the past who tried to say they will shame Swapo by voting for opposition parties so that Swapo cannot be in […]
The City of Windhoek has announced water interruptions scheduled for 16 to 18 July. This was confirmed by city spokesperson Harold Akwenye on Tuesday. “These interruptions are necessary due to the replacement of wells in the city’s water network,” he said. Akwenye confirmed that the affected areas include Windhoek’s Eros suburb from 08h00 to 16h30, […]