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Page: 133

Prime minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila has called on industry players and employers to embrace workers as strategic partners and to promote workers’ empowerment. In her May Day commemoration message, Kuugongelwa-Amadhila said happy workers are more productive. “Investment in workers’ empowerment: in their professional development, safety and wellness and fair remuneration, is a prerequisite for profitable businesses […]

Walvis Bay municipality lawyer Richard Metcalfe has issued a statement saying the municipality will investigate how RedForce Debt Management got a debt collection contract with the local authority. This comes after RedForce got a High Court order to stop the municipality from terminating their contract on Tuesday. Metcalfe noted that investigations are being conducted on […]

The governor of the Bank of Namibia, Johannes !Gawaxab, has described Namibia’s financial system as healthy amid persistent inflation. !Gawaxab said this in the bank’s financial stability report in Windhoek on Tuesday. According to !Gawaxab, the financial system has been operating efficiently, although there are challenges in the economic environment. He said globally there is […]

The minister of information and communication technology, Emma Theofelus, is due to attend the World Press Freedom Day global conference in Chile this week. This was announced by the ministry’s spokesperson Shoki Kandjimi in a press statement on Tuesday. Kandjimi said the minister will lead a Namibian delegation to the 31st World Press Freedom Day […]

… Baby rescuer says he would have loved to take her in if he was financially stable The man who rescued the 16-month-old baby who was abandoned in the desert at Walvis Bay says he has fallen in love with her. Meruune Tutjavi (33), who is a petrol attendant at the town, says he arrived […]

…as Theofelus says Swapo will rule until ‘Jesus comes’ Swapo secretary general Sophia Shaningwa has defended the party’s leadership skills, emphasising that proficiency in English does not determine effectiveness. Speaking at a rally at Okongo on Saturday, Shaningwa addressed critics who question Swapo leaders’ English fluency, asserting that their capabilities extend far beyond language proficiency. […]

As Namibia joins the rest of the world in celebrating Workers’ Day tomorrow, most unionists in the country feel the financial situation is tough for many workers. Workers’ Day, celebrated every first day of May worldwide, coincides with the rise of radical unions. Among them are the National Union of Retail Industry Workers of Namibia, […]

The Landless People’s Movement (LPM) Student Command has demanded that the University of Namibia (Unam) lifts its ban on political activism. This comes after the university this week banned the Affirmative Reposition (AR) Student Command from hosting an event on campus. Earlier on Tuesday during a media conference, the LPM demanded that Unam’s pro vice […]

The Ministry of Defence and Veterans Affairs has trashed claims that ‘children of the liberation struggle’ should register with the ministry next month to receive government benefits. This comes after an audio clip circulating on social media is informing the public that these individuals need to register from next month onwards. Ministry spokesperson Edson Haufiku […]

A vehicle belonging to Windhoek resident Delia Maasdorp (40), who was found dead in her home on Sunday, was found abandoned at a service station at Rundu on Tuesday morning. According to the police’s crime investigations coordinator in Kavango East, deputy commissioner Bonifatius Kanyetu, a suspect who is still at large, Wentzel Maasdorp, was seen […]