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The Namibia Revenue Agency (NamRA) will host the 39th Regional Steering Group (RSG) Meeting and the 30th Governing Council (GC) Meeting of the World Customs Organization East and Southern Africa (WCO ESA) Region. These meetings will be held from 20 to 24 May. NamRa spokesperson Yarukeekuro Ndorokaze said the choices made at the 29th Governing […]

Deputy prime minister John Mutorwa officiated low-volume seal access roads constructed at a cost of N$151,9 million at Impalila Island on Thursday. The newly constructed district roads 3546, 3547, and 3575, which include minor access roads to public institutions, are approximately 25 kilometres long. Mutorwa said that the completed low-volume seal access roads represent connectivity, […]

A faction of the descendants of the 1904-1908 Ovaherero/Ovambanderu and Nama genocide plan to host a genocide memorial event in Windhoek from 26 to 28 May. This is despite disagreements surrounding the proposed date of the commemoration. In 2016, South West Africa National Union president Usutuaije Maamberua tabled the motion for a Genocide Remembrance Day […]

The Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism has cautioned residents of Mukwe and Ndiyona constituencies in the Kavango East region about the presence of three lions which are roaming around in these areas. The environment ministry’s spokesperson Romeo Muyunda in a press release on Thursday said that the lions were first spotted in Mayara, Katenture […]

Khomas regional director of education, arts and culture Paulus Nghikembua says schools are not allowed to sell application forms for more than N$10. He says the selling of application forms for N$50 goes against a directive by the ministry. “We had sent out a directive that says the schools can only ask a maximum of […]

Landless People’s Movement (LPM) deputy leader Henny Seibeb has allegedly not complied with the party’s request to record a voice message or video of himself refuting allegations that he said the LPM was initially formed as a Nama party. Seibeb was quoted in a media report in March saying LPM leader Bernadus Swartbooi had accused […]

South Africa on Thursday told the International Court of Justice (ICJ) that Israel’s plan to wipe Palestine off the face of the earth is about to be realised with its invasion of Rafah. South Africa is seeking modified provisional measures against Israel, an emergency halt to the Rafah offensive, and the protection of Palestinians against […]

President Nangolo Mbumba returned to the country on Thursday after attending the World Hydrogen Summit in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. The landmark event was held under the theme ‘Green Hydrogen: Cleaner and Zero Emission Fuel for a Sustainable Green Economy’. Mbumba was a keynote speaker at the summit, where he highlighted Namibia’s participation in the World […]

The Kavango East Directorate of Education in the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture has denied reports by lawmakers of an education crisis in the region. The directorate says it is currently dealing with challenges such as the need to expand schools at Rundu, Ndiyona and Divindu. The parliamentary standing committee on human resources and […]

Executive director of education, arts, and culture Sanet Steenkamp has announced that pupils in grades 4 to 9 will be participating in an end-of-term test series, instead of writing examinations. “It’s a one-hour test series, and since the tests are only one hour long, learning is expected to continue afterward. Pupils should not be given […]