Aviation company names air crash victims

Written by on May 4, 2024

Westair Aviation has announced the names of the three people who died in an accident involving one of the company’s aircraft in Windhoek on Friday.

The company announced in a statement on Saturday that pilots Rozanne De Beer-Olivier (33) and Ruan van Schalkwyk (24) and aircraft engineer Andre-Armand Lubbe (25) lost their lives in the accident.

Westair Aviation stated that De Beer-Olivier joined the company in 2017, Lubbe has been employed by Westair since 2019 and Van Schalkwyk has been with the company since last year.

They were killed when a Cessna 406 aircraft crashed in the Pionierspark area of Windhoek at about 17h00 on Friday, shortly after taking off from the city’s Eros Airport on a test flight.

“Yesterday’s events have left us all devastated,” the company stated.

“This terrible event has deeply and personally affected us all at Westair and we share our sincerest condolences with all those impacted by this tragic loss. Our hearts and deepest sympathies go out to the families and loved ones of Rozanne, Ruan and Armand. They will be greatly missed.”

The company added that it is committed to assisting with the investigation of the accident, “to discover the cause of this event and prevent such an incident from occurring again”.

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