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Out with NEFF, in with AR

Written by on June 26, 2024

Namibia Economic Freedom Fighters (NEFF) deputy leader Longinus Iipumbu yesterday said the Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) will revise its decision to deregister the party.

NEFF and Christian Democratic Voice (CDV) were deregistered as political parties for failing to submit financial statements, a move that could benefit the ruling party in the forthcoming November parliamentary and presidential elections.


Lawyer Nafimane Halweendo yesterday told The Namibian the ECN should have questioned the parties on their non submissions and given prior notice before making the decision to deregister them.

He said the parties should have been given an opportunity to make the submissions within a specified time and only thereafter be notified that they would be deregistered, with the reasons provided.

Iipumbu said this was not done.

Halweendo said all the reasons should have been expressly set out for the affected political parties.

“If the electoral commission does not follow the process as set out in the act, then a disgruntled political party is more than open to take the matter to the court,” he added.

NEFF, through its lawyers Kadhila Amoomo Legal Practitioners, on Tuesday demanded that the ECN withdraw the deregistration or face legal action.

The ECN on Monday evening confirmed that NEFF and CDV are no longer registered as political parties, due to their failure to submit their financial statements.

“It is our instructions to bring to your attention that your decision is flawed on the basis of being irrational and unreasonable,” NEFF’s lawyer wrote to ECN.

Amoomo demanded that ECN head Peter Shaama adhere to the deadline of 30 June given to NEFF.

“It is against this background that we are instructed to demand as we hereby do, that you provide us with an undertaking that the decision will not be implemented pending its review in the Electoral Court of Namibia,” Amoomo wrote.

In a letter to Iipumbu, written on 24 April, Shaama told the NEFF deputy leader to submit their statements and proof of publication in local newspapers by 30 June.

Rui Tyitende


Political analyst Rui Tyitende said if the parties violated the law, then the ECN acted within the scope of its mandate.

“Political parties need to know and understand that they are dealing with public funds and need to account for each and every dollar.

“Accountability and transparency is essential if you perceive yourself to be an alternative to the status quo,” he said.

NEFF member Michael Amushelelo posted on his social media yesterday that the party’s deregistration is politically motivated.

He said the deregistation of NEFF was in retaliation after NEFF last month exposed corruption in the ECN’s recruitment process.
“We have it on good authority that this angered the top bosses of ECN.”

Amushelelo said NEFF had submitted all its audited financial reports and was in the process of advertising them in newspapers, as required.

Meanwhile, CDV member of parliament Gotthard Kandume did not want to comment on the matter yesterday, saying the party has engaged lawyers and requested an urgent meeting with the ECN on Friday.

However, Kandume told The Namibian on Monday the ECN’s decision to deregister the party is a declaration of war.

“We have been sworn in by a Supreme Court judge. Who is ECN to recall us from parliament? They have declared war on us but we will expose their mess.” Kandume also said the Electoral Act stipulates that they have the right to appeal against the ECN’s decision.

“This is a small thing. Don’t worry.”

Veikko Nekundi


Swapo politburo and central committee member Nekundi says the ECN’s decision to deregister NEFF implies that the party is “legally buried”.

Speaking to The Namibian yesterday, Nekundi said “we need not waste our energy to democratically bury them on 27 November, they have dismally failed their president in Pretoria.”

Nekundi recently called on the ECN to deregister NEFF after the party rewarded Moses Ndjene for assaulting a Swapo leader at Mix Settlement in Windhoek.

NEFF gave Ndjene N$1 000 as “an appreciation” and sign of solidarity, said Iipumbu at the time.

Iipumbu yesterday identified Nekundi as part of the group that fears the growth of NEFF.

It is unfortunate that we will not let it go as we have all what was required and ready before the due date,” he said.

The ECN is expected to respond to the party’s letter of demand before or tomorrow.

The post Out with NEFF, in with AR appeared first on The Namibian.