Father commends public hospital after daughter’s successful tonsil surgery

Written by on June 5, 2024

An Oshakati-based father, Tuhafeni Hangula, has commended the Oshakati Intermediate Hospital and doctor Lavinia Johannes, who he described as caring and professional, after his daughter’s successful tonsillectomy.

“My daughter suffered from repeated bouts of tonsillitis, so my wife and I decided to have her tonsils removed,” Hangula says.

He says his six-year-old daughter, who has suffered from tonsillitis since the age of 3, used to be in and out of hospital before her tonsils were removed.

“My daughter hasn’t gotten sick since the operation and she is very healthy and happy now,” he says.

“I used to take her to the hospital twice a month before I asked doctor Johannes if the tonsils could be removed and she said yes,” Hangula says, adding that Johannes stood out due to her professionalism.

“She made a thorough diagnosis, gave me all the information I needed to prepare for the tonsillectomy and explained the whole process. My wife works in Windhoek and I live at Oshakati with the children, but I had enough information for us to make an informed decision based on the doctor’s advice,” he says.

Hangula publicly commended the hospital’s great service on social media four days ago, saying public services do not get enough recognition for exceptional services.

“I felt that the there should be public acknowledgement. I felt it would encourage the dedicated public servants that their work is appreciated and to further encourage others to follow suit,” he said.

“I spent the last 15 years as a private patient, but moved to state when I lost my job after the company was liquidated. I experienced both private and public health care and I can confidently say I had both good and bad experiences in both. I had worse in public, however, this time I had a better experience than I ever had in the private sector,” he said.

Hangula’s daughter’ operation took place on 10 May and she was discharged on 11 May.

Hangula recalls how stressful the situation was before his daughter’s operation and diagnosis – the long queues every month and his daughter missing school whenever she got sick, among other things.

He said he and his wife thought it was an ordinary flu and cough, but it turns out the illness was caused by inflamed tonsils.

“My daughter recovered quite well and it was a different experience this time around since I was alone to care for her,” Hangula said.

He added that her older brother had his tonsillectomy in a private hospital, but his wife was there to support him during the healing process.

Despite the great service, Hangula said there is still room for improvement and that state facilities need upgrading.

He suggests that the Ministry of Health and Social Services consider accommodating paediatric patients’ parents as well, since parents have to sleep on the cold, hard floors, because there are no mattresses or bedding for them while they wait for their children to receive treatment.

Hangula said it was a stressful situation and that he was not able to make use of the bathroom or shower facilities at the ward due to their dilapidated condition.

Senior medical officer doctor Lavinia Johannes, who has been working in the ENT (ear, nose and throat) department for more than four years, say tonsillitis is the inflammation of the tonsils and is a common childhood illness, but teenagers and adults can be affected as well.

Whilt it is often caused by common viruses, bacterial infections can also be the cause, with the most common bacterium being group A streptococcus, the doctor says.

“Honestly, all the glory and honour belong to the Almighty God. It takes passion and dedication in this profession. Patients are special and dear to our hearts as we have taken our medical oath to care and serve them,” she says.

Johannes says tonsillitis is treatable, either by medicine or surgery.

Symptoms of
tonsillitis include:

n sore throat, fever/chills, difficult or painful swallowing

n bad breath, neck pain

n headache, stomach-ache

n salivating/drooling

Tonsilitis prevention include:

n Washing hands regularly to prevent the spread of viruses and bacteria, especially after sneezing and coughing

n Keeping children immunised

n Keeping children at home when he or she is ill

n Keeping an infected person’s drinking glasses, utensils, water bottles or food separately

n Changing your toothbrush once you have recovered from tonsillitis.

n Teaching children to avoid sharing lollipops

Indications for surgery:

n Recurrent tonsillitis/chronic tonsillitis

n Obstructive sleep (difficulty sleeping, mouth breathing, snoring)

n Suspected malignancy

n Febrile convulsions

The post Father commends public hospital after daughter’s successful tonsil surgery appeared first on The Namibian.

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