Namibia welcomes Cuba’s removal from US terrorism list, urges full exoneration

Written by on May 22, 2024

The Namibian government has welcomed Cuba’s removal from the United States (US) list of countries not fully cooperating in combating terrorism.

This was announced in a statement by the Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation on Wednesday.

“The government of the Republic of Namibia takes cognisance of this step taken by the US government to remove Cuba from such a list,” noted the ministry.

However, the government expressed concern with the continued placement of Cuba on the state sponsors of terrorism (SST) list.

The placement of Cuba on the SST list is unjustified and has led to continued negative effects on Cuba, its people, and economy, said the ministry.

“The US government is reminded of the hardship faced by the Cuban people, emanating from the unjust placement of Cuba on the SST list. The Cuban people continue to suffer exclusions from international aid and trade, owing to the country’s continuous status quo on the SST list.”

The statement noted that the Namibian government acknowledges the efforts of the US government and other governments in combating terrorism in the region and worldwide, and called on the US government to remove the unilateral placement of Cuba on the SST list, as it does not reflect the truth.

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