Katjimune questions Govt on summoning EU delegates

Written by on April 17, 2024

Popular Democratic Movement (PDM) lawmaker Maximalliant Katjimune submitted a notice of question in parliament yesterday for international relations and cooperation minister Peya Mushelenga regarding him summoning the European Union (EU) delegation last week.

Katjimune said it was concerning that the ministry summoned envoys from the delegation of the European Commission to Namibia, as well the German embassador, over a courtesy meeting that recently took place.

He said it was indeed an exceptionally bizarre intervention from the ministry.

“Because nowhere in our laws, nor in the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations (1961), which the ministry quoted in its statement, are such informal interactions prohibited, save where the provisions of Article 41 (1) of the Convention prohibits the interference by foreign missions into the receiving state’s internal affairs, which was not the case in this instance,” he said.

According to Katjimune, this was not the first occurrence, whether in Namibia or across the world, where the heads of foreign missions in a receiving state meet informally with political party actors or civil society as a whole.

“Is it only Swapo politicians that are allowed to meet with members of foreign missions? And if that is the case, in what law is such a provision postulated?”

Katjimune further questioned whether the summons was an attempt at intimidating members of foreign missions in Namibia, as well as opposition political parties, into not having any sort of interaction with each other.

“If no, why did the ministry only react to this particular meeting, despite the leaders of that party, as well as leaders of other political parties, having met other foreign dignitaries in the past?”


Last Wednesday, Mushelenga summoned envoys from the EU, Germany, France, Spain and Portugal after learning of their meeting with the opposition party Independent Patriots for Change (IPC) last Tuesday to discuss various matters, including the upcoming elections.

Mushelenga said while the government doesn’t object to diplomatic missions engaging with various political parties, discussions on matters solely within the purview of the sending and host governments, especially with individuals not representing the Namibian government, are viewed as inconsistent with diplomatic norms and tantamount to interference in domestic affairs.

“The minister cautioned that although Namibia is a small state, it does not mean it does not have the equality of sovereignty as larger states do,” noted a statement from the government.


After being summoned, the EU refuted claims that its heads of missions were discussing governance matters during their recent meeting with the IPC.

EU ambassador to Namibia Ana-Beatriz Martins in a statement said the delegation had an informal lunch to discuss the situation in Namibia, including, among others, Itula’s election campaign.

“Naturally, the EU heads of missions did not discuss matters that fall within the purview of the government of Namibia, nor did we comment on, or prejudge the outcome of any election,” Martins said.

She added that this is part of the EU’s general engagement with relevant actors in Namibia, as is normal for all diplomatic missions to perform.

“The EU and its member states enjoy a warm and longstanding relationship with Namibia based on shared values and mutual respect,” Martins said.

The post Katjimune questions Govt on summoning EU delegates appeared first on The Namibian.

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