Kazongomuinja mum on presidential ambitions

Written by on April 15, 2024

National Unity Democratic Organisation (Nudo) vice president Peter Kazongomuinja is playing his cards close to his chest on whether he will contest for the party’s presidency.

Esther Muinjangue is the current president of the party, while secretary general Josef Kauandenge is also vying for the presidency.
This potentially opens the battle to a three-way horse race.

“I am the vice president and the only way I can go is up but the party will announce the names of those that will contest, otherwise I will be accused of reprimanding others and still do the same things that they are doing,” he said on Desert Radio on Monday.
He added that he keeps climbing the ladder.

He called for unity in the party ahead of their elective congress and asserted that Nudo is not a tribal party and is open for all Namibians.
“We are a national party but of course the bulk of our supporters are from one tribe. The ruling party’s top leadership is from one tribe. Now, must we say they are a tribalistic party?”

The party will elect new leadership ahead of the polls in November.

He acknowledged that while there are divisions in the party, unity will prevail.

The party will announce the names of those who will stand for election this month.

The post Kazongomuinja mum on presidential ambitions appeared first on The Namibian.

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