Nujoma, cousin in family house dispute

Written by on April 11, 2024

The minister of labour, industrial relations and employment creation, Utoni Nujoma, is embroiled in a dispute over a family house in Windhoek.

Nujoma and his younger sister, Usuta, are staking a claim to a house which was previously owned by their late aunt, Alberdine Katjimune.

Alberdine is their mother, Kovambo Nujoma’s younger sister.

The disputed property is located at Katutura.

John Katjimune, Nujoma’s and Usuta’s cousin, says after his mother’s death in October 2000, the house was registered in his name.

Katjimune this week told The Namibian the house had been owned by Alberdine since 1986.

However, upon getting married in 2009, Katjimune was allegedly ordered to vacate the premises by Nujoma and Usuta, who claimed the house belonged to their mother, Kovambo.

“They said a married man can’t be staying here. I should go and look for my own place. It’s what those two told me.

“Then I said okay, maybe they want the younger ones to stay. Then I said because I am getting married, let me go and concentrate on my own private life.

“It was just a conversation. I did not know that behind the conversation they had another plan,” Katjimune said.

He said Nujoma demolished the house in January 2020 and had it rebuilt without permission.

“He even went and wrote ‘Utoni Nujoma residence’, on the house plan, meaning he had declared it his property without our knowledge.

“When he demolished the house, he did not ask anyone for permission. I even tried to stop him, but he went ahead using his powers,” Katjimune said.

He said the property is in arrears of N$34 000 in unpaid municipal bills.

“I had the water and electricity disconnected on 11 March 2024 so that they could pay the municipality bills, which were at N$44 000.

“Utoni paid N$14 000 so that water and electricity could be reconnected,” Katjimune said.

He and his two siblings want to sell the house and share the profits, he said.

However, Nujoma and Usuta are reportedly benefiting from the property by collecting rent from tenants.

“The house currently generates an amount of roughly N$8 000 per month from tenants, but Usuta and Utoni Nujoma are using this money for their own personal benefit. The money is paid into Usuta’s bank account,” Katjimune said.

“Utoni Nujoma and Usuta are now blocking me from selling my mother’s house, which has nothing to do with them. They own a lot of houses all over Namibia, but are still fighting me over my mother’s house at Katutura Police Camp,” he said.

Nujoma allegedly called Katjimune on 29 March, offering to buy the house from him and his sibling.

However, Usuta allegedly refused to discuss the matter when Katjimune contacted her on 6 April.

Usuta promised to respond to detailed questions sent to her by The Namibian yesterday, but she did not respond by the time of going to print.

Nujoma yesterday said the house was previously owned by his mother, but when she (Kovambo) went into exile, she left in the care of her sister, Alberdine.

He said he does not have any interest in the house, although he has paid its municipal bills and renovated it.

“My concern is where will the people who live in the house go if they sell the house. It’s up to them if they want to sell the house. What is worrying me is the little souls that are there.


“I don’t want the house to be sold and the people to stay in the street. There is no dispute. My mother handed the house to them and it’s up to them to decide what they want.

“If the gentleman wants to sell the house, he should tell us where the people will go,” Nujoma said.

He said Katjimune’s brother, sister and four children, one of whom is an orphan, live in the house.

He said some of the people who live in the house are students and will not have anywhere to live if the house is sold.

“There is no one who is employed there and they survive on us. I don’t have any interest in having that house. My sister does not have interest in that house either. It’s a serious burden to me,” Nujoma said.

He said he does not want conflict in the family.

“If he (Katjimune) wants to sell the house he must get consent from everybody who lives in the house. If they agree to sell it, it will be less of a burden on me. I have no interest in the house really,” Nujoma said.

Nujoma said the house was in arrears and he and his sister managed to pay off the money at the time.

He denied that he and Usuta removed Katjimune from the house.

“He is not telling the truth,” Nujoma said.

The post Nujoma, cousin in family house dispute appeared first on The Namibian.

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