149 children hit by cars since January

Written by on June 14, 2024

Almost 150 children have been involved in pedestrian-related accidents, with 19 having died, from 1 January to 29 May this year.

This was announced in a media statement by Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA) Fund corporate affairs chief John Haufiku yesterday.

According to Haufiku, MVA Fund statistics show that 339 people have been involved in pedestrian-related crashes in this period, with children under 19 accounting for 44% of these incidents.

He said the data highlights that children aged 20 and below are particularly vulnerable.

The MVA Fund urged parents, motorists, community members and guardians to keep children safe from all traffic-related injuries and fatalities during the school holiday.

“Road traffic crashes are among the leading cause of injuries and fatalities for children between the ages of zero and 19. The road safety risks faced by children are increased at night, before and after school hours, during weekends, public holidays and school holidays, as children are most likely to be playing outside in the streets,” Haufiku said.

He emphasised the importance of adhering to a 30km/h speed limit in residential areas and maintaining vigilance around children playing outdoors.

“Moreover, the onus rests on parents or guardians to take responsibility to ensure children remain safe on the roads. Never let your child go near a road unattended or play on the road.

“Be extra vigilant and always ensure that children are properly secured in a car seat, booster seat or seat belt every time you drive,” he advised.

The post 149 children hit by cars since January appeared first on The Namibian.

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